Month: November 2008

Something’s Coming, Something Soon!

Dearest lovelies, I’ve taken a bit of a blogspot sabatical these days. I’m in the process of building a new and exciting company (can’t hardly wait to share it with you), freelancing like a crazy lady and working long hours at job-job. I have not forgotten you. I’m looking forward to being back in full swing. In the meantime, here’s something I plucked off one of my idea trees this weekend: I’ll be spending tomorrow at the New York Times Small Business []

Sharpie Really Shouldn’t Sell Their Markers in Sets

Why would you ever really need more than one Sharpie? Why would you ever really need a Sharpie in a color other than black? These are the tough kinds of questions I’m not afraid to ask. They are the kind of questions that require research. As a result of my inquisitive nature I am the owner of a boxed set of 25 colored Sharpies. There are days where I just can’t draw. Then there are days where I just can’t draw. A []

Fall Forward

Woot! Guess what? It’s like 5pm but it feels like 4pm. Let’s hear it for the savings time!! Daylight savings might be one of my favorite things about living in the Continental U.S. In honor of all this lovely ‘Falling’ – Here’s a bit of Autumn surface design.