Month: August 2010

She Sure is {Living Under the Sun}

Loving under the stars… This month marks my 10 year NYC-a-versary. I’ve known this day was coming for ages, but it still feels like a ‘pinch me’ kind of moment. I’m a Brooklynite now. I think maybe I’ve always been one – dormant at times, forever moving towards this place that was meant to be my home. I delight in the little moments that are quintessentially Brooklyn. Lately I feel a push towards the beyond. I wonder at the fact that I’ve managed to []


Lately I’ve been feeling kind of caged. I’m happy and things are good, but suddenly sketching for my supper stopped appealing to me. I just wanted to put the pencils down. With the exception of one week in college when I’d been drawing for about 3 weeks straight without sleep, this was a new sensation. I stopped and wondered, was it coming all along, after a cumulative 20 some years of drawing here and drawing there, was there a wam-bam day coming []


In case you were wondering, It’s a there and back again kind of morning. The view from our hotel room: A quick walk to the pool: The view of said pool: SHUT UP!(I know, right?) The view of the beach. Five days of sand and saltwater beats any NYC pedicure. The view of the streets:I was shocked to find the Bahamas prettier than I pictured it, and tickled to find that a majority of the buildings are pink. View of historical natural, []