Month: October 2010

Hippo to the Jive-o

Hippos are the job-job word of the week. So I drew some, all sciency/cartoony. Cause and Effects and hippo facts! um… but this one is bonus, and um… not directly related to job-job.

A Change of Pace

What do you do when you lose your creative thread? Do you stop and take a breather? Do you reevaluate? I feel like my creative energy is my life force, when it wains I’m left without much breath to take a breather. Luckily years at fancy art school, and then years at job-job and various other ‘live or die’ gigs have taught me that sometimes a dip in creativity is flat out not an option. I’ve learned that for me, the best []

From Here to There

When I was a kid. I adored this funny book about a mouse who is trying to get home or to his grandmothers, it’s a bit of a haze. He starts by driving, and then the tires get worn down. So he takes his bike out and rides his bike and then the tires get worn down, then he gets out his skates and tries to skate there – but you guessed it, the wheels get worn down. Finally, he sets out []