Illustration Friday

Grand Gesture

2006 found me at the end of a four year relationship. The breakup left me raw and reeling and years out of the grind that is []

Illustration Friday – Shadows

When you’re the big sister you can totally puppet master your younger siblings into putting on shadow puppet plays behind white sheets. These plays, robbed of Tony awards, can be performed for the forced entertainment of other family members all the time. The puppets don’t have to go together. You will most likely make a long and ridiculous antiquated script in which they all meet at an outdoor market in Paraguay. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my siblings. Growing up []

NotSleeping on the Job

Life is something that happens when you can’t get to sleep. ~Fran Lebowitz This is a fave of mine. I’m a six hours a night girl. I suck at sleepovers because by dawn I am pretending to accidentally wake people up. OOPS. I slammed that door too loudly on my way to make toast? Sorry. By 7am I’ve been up and waiting for them to play for way too long. Typically this goes the other direction though. Without the perils of over []


Lately all my twitter updates (!/SheSureIs ) have had to do with wanting to stab NYC’s torrential rain. It’s not MAY showers, people. grr. So you would think something of the like would be the natural 3 minute sketch for Illustration Friday’s ‘Soaked’. I however grew up with the world’s greatest dog. No. Seriously. In the history of the world no quadruped has been greater. Pal was a Christmas puppy the year I turned 8 and for the first couple years []